Posts in 5 Questions
5 Questions with Philip Rabalais ("Earth FM")

“Earth FM was kind of written around the weird blue pool. I’d shot a scene for another project near that spot, and it stayed with me as a great, strange location. I also think Earth FM was an experiment in trying to more explicitly incorporate sound as a major narrative element of a movie. Sound had always been a focus of the movies I’d made, but with Earth FM I wanted to try to have sound fully be the driving force.”

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5 Questions with Kerry LeVielle ("Partners in Crime")

“One summer, back in high school, I spent the entire ten weeks riding my bike back and forth to the local library renting about five to ten movies at a time. I bought a journal and started writing reviews, cataloging writers, directors, actors, the year the film was released. When I went to college and found out they offered a degree in Cinema Studies, I instantly changed my major.”

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5 Questions with Ezra Ewen -- "First One (A Quest to Become More Beautiful)"

“I was 28 and had never smoked a full cigarette before. I'm extremely sensitive to all drugs and chemicals and basically anything you put in your body that isn't food. Like even an 8oz lunchbox sized can of Coke has too much caffeine for me and I feel like I'm gonna pass on. So I originally just wanted to document myself smoking a full cigarette on camera like a generic Youtube vlog.”

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5 Questions with Dan Arnés ("Please Enjoy Your Stay")

“I started getting interested in film in high school and intended to go to film school before making a last minute beeline to the only music program I applied to, only to end up working back in video /film as an editor after college. After graduating I started doing music stuff, putting out records and touring occasionally while working in video as an assistant editor at Blue Man Group.”

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5 Questions with Chester Vincent Toye ("I'm SO Sorry")

“After shooting a separate piece on virtue signaling I began researching BLM signs on Amazon and was blown away by the range and number of signs they offered. I immediately began writing off signs as ugly or too expensive before pausing and realizing the absurdity of what I was doing and how quickly and how far I’d strayed away from the actual purpose and messaging of these signs.”

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5 Questions with Grace Rex ("The Voices")

“I still wear the filmmaker label warily. It’s a new hat! But I’m attached to it. More so than in the acting work I’ve done, I’m starting to see myself and my worldview reflected back to me through my film projects. Having that kind of agency in my pursuits is thrilling and comforting. I think it’s made me a better actor, too.”

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5 Questions with Guy Kozak ("Alphabet")

“I was looking for inspiration and David Hockney's Alphabet came to mind—I used [the] book as a jumping off point and figured I'd do a different shot for each letter using what was around me. I wanted it to feel like a calling card or self-portrait, so I tried to pick ideas and objects that might coalesce into something that felt personal.”

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5 Questions with Joanna Arnow ("Laying Out")

“The idea for the line about “keep doing that and you’ll get your dinner” had been in my head for a while – I was excited about the line, and then it seemed to naturally progress to this conversation roles about gender and sexual identity and internalized misogyny that all relate to this lack of dinner.”

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5 Questions with Ericka Clevenger ("You're Doing Great, Sweetie!")

“It was December and I was sitting in my apartment feeling sorry for myself and blaming Covid for being unable to create. I had this idea floating around in my head about “faking it” and wanted to explore that concept, through a character stuck in the loop. Realizing I had only a couple of weeks before the end of the year, I decided to throw out my self inflicted rules and write the film that night.”

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5 Questions with Ryan McGlade ("Knickknacks")

“A few years ago I got scammed trying to buy some stuff online, which was more of a blow to my ego than anything because it made me feel like a doofus and a sucker. I realized that I was operating at a semi-manic level of anxiety that day and that for a scammer, that’s a pretty ideal state of mind for a potential mark.”

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5 Questions with Sam Kahrar ("Salt Mom")

“Somehow this interest in home movie dynamics and my experience getting to know Elena morphed into a hybrid documentary, which followed Elena and her friends hanging out while leaning into the dynamics I was interested in from the home movie footage. I wanted to represent the ambivalent experience of straining to live up to the ideal of the teenage years and stance of ironic detachment one assumes in relationship to that hyperawareness.”

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