5 Questions with Edy Modica ("corn + my style ;")


1) Can you talk briefly about your background, and how you first got interested in filmmaking?

i went to a 2 year acting school where my biggest role was Anne Frank's mom. i've found that the only way to avoid this from happening again is to make the things that i actually want to be in.

2) What was the initial idea for these projects and how did they evolve from there?

my parents are freaks and they're always like "how did you end up so weird" when it's clearly, directly because of them. i love telling stories about them and had been doing these two on stage for a while. when the pandemic began, i was losing my mind and started doing cut paper art lol. i've always loved manual stop motion where you can really see all the work, and when i realized i'd have all this time to make my own, i figured i could immortalize these stories this way ;).

3) What was the biggest challenge in making them? And the easiest part?

the hardest part in making these is that i hate the computer and want nothing to do with it. my boyfriend was like "i have this program dragon frame that makes stop motion so easy!!" i tried it for 2 minutes and was like, I actually think i'd rather balance a swiffer wet jet in my dresser and tape my phone to it. this is how i made the first stop motion, corn. this was difficult to edit as our editing software wasn't made for 150 iphone pictures. even saying the word software makes me sick lol. i used dragonframe for the second one and it was much easier. i think just figuring out how to make these without knowing what i'm doing was difficult but then when it's done it feels so good. easiest part is cutting the paper because i really have fun doing that, picking the colors, blah blah blah....

4) What’s a film you’ve seen recently, new or old, that you really loved and why?

i've been a big doc head lately.......just watched Jasper Mall, a doc about a shopping mall in rural Alabama that was once a big deal, but now is on it's last leg. it follows the people who work there and the people who make the mall a community. it's beautiful and real and is one of those documentaries that makes you feel like damn maybe i should move back to my hometown, stop trying to be famous and take care of and nurture the lives of those who raised me!!!!

5) What’s next for you?

i'm almost finished with my first live action short film that i directed with my lover, ian faria. like i mentioned in the first q, i want to make things that show off what i actually want to be doing which at the end of the day...is acting baby. the film is called Nicole and it's about a lives on her mothers couch, no job, bath and body works spraying, loser trying to get a coffee coollatta from dunkin donuts. i'm really proud of it and going to submit it to no budge lol.

IG: @doodiehole