Posts in 5 Questions
5 Questions with Jessica Garrison

“DIME" is a provocative chamber drama, written and directed by Jessica Garrison, that assuredly tackles sexuality and gender power dynamics related to a young woman’s sudden influx of cash procured in Vegas. We asked Garrison how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for her…

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Marcus Jones

The easygoing comedy, “A Seasonal Thing,” by director Marcus Jones, follows an aspiring music supervisor over a couple days in L.A. as he tries to break through a couple of life barriers. We asked Jones how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for him…

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Max Roux

The new short from Max Roux, “Auxiliary Man,” is an even split between crime thriller and bumbling comedy, carried by a great, sweaty performance from Roux himself. We asked the director/star how the project came together, what the biggest challenge was, and a recent film he’s loved…

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Zoe Jarman

In Zoe Jarman’s deadpan comedy, “Coda,” a woman named Wendy plans a bachelorette party for her friend, only to be absurdly mistreated the whole time. We asked Jarman how the project began, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for her…

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Artemis Shaw

An intimate documentary portrait by Artemis Shaw, “Safari Video” captures a mother and a daughter squabbling over the length of a home video edited together from footage of wild animals in Tanzania. We asked Shaw how the project began, what the biggest challenge was, and a recent film she’s loved…

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5 Questions with Corey Hughes

The new experimental oddity from director Corey Hughes, “My Expanded View” presents a YouTube Yoga tutorial that descends into a strange meta deconstruction. We asked Hughes how the project began, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for him…

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Ben Kitnick

A lighthearted comedy about a doomsday cult, “Exit Statement,” by director Ben Kitnick, examines what happens when a cult leader gets really irritated with one of his followers. We asked Kitnick how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for him…

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Zach Rubin

A subtlety disturbing rumination on modern technology, “Imaginary Friend,” by director Zach Rubin, gives us a glimpse into the lonely world of an older woman whose only company is an Alexa-type virtual assistant. We asked Rubin how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for him…

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley