The cozy documentary portrait, “Betty Feeds The Animals,” by director James P. Gannon, follows an eccentric older lady who has made it her mission in life to feed dozens of stray animals. We asked Gannon how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for him…
Read More“DIME" is a provocative chamber drama, written and directed by Jessica Garrison, that assuredly tackles sexuality and gender power dynamics related to a young woman’s sudden influx of cash procured in Vegas. We asked Garrison how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for her…
Read MoreThe quirky tale of longing, “Loveseat,” by director Grace Kim, follows a middle-aged man trying to track down a mysterious woman he meets over the phone. We asked Kim how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for her…
Read MoreThe remarkably tense “Lockdown” follows a teenage girl going to extreme measures to work out some mixed-up emotions. We asked directors Celine Held and Logan George how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for them…
Read More“That Doe Zone,” the dreamy new short by Harrison Atkins, unspools from a series of odd coincidences between a couple of friends. We asked Atkins how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for him…
Read More“Gas Gets In Your Eyes,” by director Madeline Leshner, is a startlingly unique take on the end of the world as we know it about a man who loses his sight after being exposed to toxic gas. We asked Leshner how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for her…
Read MoreA low-key weekend getaway starts to turn weird for three old friends in “Montana, GA,” a stoner horror comedy from director Ryan Dickie. We asked Dickie how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for him…
Read MoreThe essential? follow-up to “Cat Stickers,” “Cat Stickers 2” doubles down with more cat stickers and more neighbor outrage. We asked director Joe Bonacci why he did it, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next…
Read MoreAn exploration of social anxiety and identity, “Who Are You Really?” tracks a shy college student through an awkward party. We asked director Nande Walters how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for her…
Read MoreA meta exploration of a relationship, “Spice Islands,” directed by Nic Murphy, witnesses two actors workshopping a scene that probes deep into expectations and hopes for the future. We asked Murphy how the project began, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for him…
Read MoreThe one-take comedy, “Terrible Accident at the Bread Factory,” follows the employees at Crumbles Baking Co. as they throw a welcome back party for a co-worker who was seriously injured after falling into a cooking vat…
Read MoreThe easygoing comedy, “A Seasonal Thing,” by director Marcus Jones, follows an aspiring music supervisor over a couple days in L.A. as he tries to break through a couple of life barriers. We asked Jones how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for him…
Read MoreThe new short from Max Roux, “Auxiliary Man,” is an even split between crime thriller and bumbling comedy, carried by a great, sweaty performance from Roux himself. We asked the director/star how the project came together, what the biggest challenge was, and a recent film he’s loved…
Read MoreIn Zoe Jarman’s deadpan comedy, “Coda,” a woman named Wendy plans a bachelorette party for her friend, only to be absurdly mistreated the whole time. We asked Jarman how the project began, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for her…
Read MoreAn intimate documentary portrait by Artemis Shaw, “Safari Video” captures a mother and a daughter squabbling over the length of a home video edited together from footage of wild animals in Tanzania. We asked Shaw how the project began, what the biggest challenge was, and a recent film she’s loved…
Read MoreThe new experimental oddity from director Corey Hughes, “My Expanded View” presents a YouTube Yoga tutorial that descends into a strange meta deconstruction. We asked Hughes how the project began, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for him…
Read MoreA lighthearted comedy about a doomsday cult, “Exit Statement,” by director Ben Kitnick, examines what happens when a cult leader gets really irritated with one of his followers. We asked Kitnick how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for him…
Read MoreA subtlety disturbing rumination on modern technology, “Imaginary Friend,” by director Zach Rubin, gives us a glimpse into the lonely world of an older woman whose only company is an Alexa-type virtual assistant. We asked Rubin how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for him…
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