5 More Questions with Madeline Leshner

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“Gas Gets In Your Eyes,” by director Madeline Leshner, is a startlingly unique take on the end of the world as we know it about a man who loses his sight after being exposed to toxic gas. We asked Leshner how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for her…

1) What have you been up to since we last spoke in May of last year?

A whole lot happened since we last spoke! This past summer I got the amazing opportunity to direct a short film for Gucci (which starred my recently adopted dog, Johnny Cash), and I directed/produced a few music videos for some amazingly talented artists. 

2) What’s the backstory here - what was the initial idea and how did it evolve from there?

In writing the script, I really wanted to challenge myself to establish a strong sense of a developed world with its own set of rules in a very short amount of time. Writing a script that relied so heavily on VFX was a risk I was intrigued in taking on because so much pre-production needs to be taken into account when the post-production end is so intricate and complex.

3) What was the biggest challenge in making this film? And generally what part of the creative process do you enjoy the best, and the least?

Our biggest challenge was figuring out our in-camera effects for the underwater look. In one setup (on an extremely hot day) we had a Tupperware of water raised up above Marchánt’s (the lead actor’s) head. It looked great, but the sun was heating up the water and magnifying it down onto poor Marchánt. 

My favorite part of the creative process is being on set and seeing everything come together. I love collaborative creative problem solving. I also usually storyboard everything, so seeing those come off the page and become real is an amazing feeling. 

My least favorite part of the creative process is writing loglines and synopses. I have a really hard time making those concise and not completely insane sounding. 

4) What’s a film you’ve seen recently, new or old, that you really loved and why?

I loved Uncut Gems. It was so stressful and anxiety inducing to watch, which I absolutely loved. To be able to make your audience feel tension in the air is a remarkable feat in my opinion, and I strive to do the same in my upcoming work(s). 

5) What’s next for you?

My main focus right now is pre-production & fundraising for my first feature film, JOAN. It's about a musically gifted young girl who works in a brothel that fronts as a music academy.

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Website: http://madelineleshner.com

Instagram: @madderall_76

5 QuestionsKentucker Audley