“Daddy’s Playground,” created by and starring Boni Mata and Ashley Morgan, is a kinetic, darkly humorous tale of feminine agency. We asked the duo, alongside the film’s director, Mitchell deQuilettes, how the project came to be, about finding the right tonal balance, and some recent films they’ve loved…
Read More“Relations,” by Hallie Cooper-Novack, takes a complicated look at an sexual incident that occured between cousins 15 years ago. We asked Cooper-Novack how the project began, how she tackled the tricky subject matter, and what comes next for her…
Read MoreIn “Holy Moses,” two God-fearing individuals separated by thousands of miles and two decades, are connected by a transcendent occurrence. We asked director Eli Powers where the idea came from, about the biggest challenges in bringing it to life, and a recent film he’s loved…
Read MoreThe endearing, nostalgia-inducing documentary, “Memory Video,” profiles the last video store owner in Philadelphia, as he deals with being an holdout for physical media in an age of streaming. We asked director Roy Power how the project started, how he approached the film’s structure, and a recent film he’s loved…
Read More“Del Arco Vacío” follows a charismatic man through the streets of a small town in Peru, as he poetically details the life of one Alex Carlo Delgado, soccer star and local legend. We asked director Micah Van Hove how the project began, how he worked with his actor, and about a recent film he’s loved…
Read MoreThe messy love life of Mia is explored in “Girl Talk,” a sexual drama about lust and connection directed by Erica Rose. We asked Rose how the project started, being forthright about sex, and what’s next for her…
Read More7 years in the making, the documentary “We Like It Here,” by Kyle Richard McCarthy, is an intimate story of a family, and a seaside town recovering from Hurricane Sandy. We asked McCarthy how the project began, about the creative challenges he faced, and a recent film he’s loved…
Read MoreDirector Grant Hyun’s “Koreatown” is a stylish and transfixing drama about a young doumi in Los Angeles. We asked Hyun about the inspiration behind the film, experimenting with the edit, and the film’s visual principles…
Read MoreDigging deep into the underbelly of “this town,” a weary reporter searches for the truth while drinking Nesquik. We asked the writer/star of “A Riveting Thriller,” Amy Zimmer, how the project started, where this character comes from, and a recent film she’s loved…
Read MoreThe uproarious romance noir, “It’s Been Too Long,” is the story of two ex-lovers who meet at a lodge to reignite their passions. We asked director Amber Schaefer about the origins of the project, adapting a sketch into a film, and the importance of horniness…
Read More“Unfinished, 2017 (Mixed Media)” finds its struggling artist protagonist in a fight for her soul. The film by Rafael Salazer Moreno captures the plight of the uncompromising artist with vivid detail and emotion. We asked Moreno how the project came together, and about the eternal issue of making art vs making a living…
Read MoreThe dark, satirical “Humans of My Bed: Neel” pries into the private life of a man named Neel who’s just had sex with Kip. We asked director Sam Permar where the idea came from, the rest of the series, and what comes next for him…
Read More“Roscoe & The Babe” is a homemade comedy western about two friends heading west on a stolen horse. We asked co-directors, Nicholas Nazmi and Peter Falls, about the origins of the project, using a makeshift green screen, and cutting scenes…
Read More“Albatross Soup,” the dizzying animated short directed by Winnie Cheung, is a lateral thinking puzzle where the objective is to determine what drove a man to commit suicide in a restaurant. We asked Cheung what started the project, how long it took people to figure out the puzzle, and what comes next for her…
Read MoreA period piece comedy about peasants planning small town gatherings is the new film by the comedy collective Simple Town. We asked the “Town Meeting” creators about the origins of the project, deciding to film only one shot, and using ADR to comic effect…
Read MoreA spot-on parody of overtrained (though otherwise oblivious) actors, “Rehearsal is Cancelled” finds two performers diving deep into their craft. We asked director Mike Breen how the project began, working with his actors, and a recent film he’s loved…
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