4 Questions with Ronald Metellus ("Pull Up With a Stick")

“Striking the right tone with my voiceover narration was tricky as these kinds of instructional videos don’t share a singular tone. The voice varies from golfer to golfer. I had to ask myself, “how would I address amateur golfers if I were one of the most sought after names in the sport?” Turns out, I’d just use a slightly louder version of my regular speaking voice.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Courtney Bush, Will Carington, Jake Goicoechea ("The Woodpecker")

“We recently found out that one of our friends calls us "the hypothetical friends" behind our backs, because our social skills devolve almost immediately into speaking in hypotheticals, like "what if they did this," "then she did this," until we've basically created a dense psycho little narrative instead of actually living, so filmmaking is a natural progression of our bad personalities.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Molly Schiot, Cass Buggé and Lucas Kavner ("The Offer")

“The initial genesis of the idea came from when Molly and I were beginning the process of having a baby. We had had a couple of unsolicited offers from people. The reality was these were actually not creepy or weird, but when Lucas and I were throwing ideas around, I thought “what if someone had done this in person and it was someone I really didn’t want to have as a sperm donor?”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Rochée Jeffrey ("Mr. Talented")

“J. Mallory McCree, the lead actor in the film, had brought to my attention a newspaper article about a black male artist who suffered from mental illness, and his life spiraled in a violent direction. We wanted to explore what it means to be a Black artist in America who is grappling with racism and trying to navigate the often frustrating and limiting world of art, as well as the stigma of mental illness for Black men.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Rashad Frett ("K.I.N.G")

“Growing up with an absent father motivated my film “K.I.N.G.” an acronym for "Kid In Need of Guidance”. I wrote this film during my 2nd year film at NYU as an assignment with the intent of shedding light on not not only Caribbean culture but also fatherless children, though that is rampant in black and brown communities, this issue is universal.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley