5 Questions with Max Tullio ("Más Bowls")

“I’d always loved film and on a whim applied to this program in California, like a state-run summer school for art kids. While there I saw a lot of formative films and was pushed to make personal work for the first time. Something clicked and I dyed my hair green, gave myself this terrible faux hawk, and went home knowing I wanted to make movies.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with India Donaldson ("Hannahs")

“I had the idea for a while to make a short about a well-meaning con artist. I also wanted to write something about an encounter between two women who have bad boundaries that present in opposite ways. Amy’s character takes up space and brings a frenetic, claustrophobic intimacy to the dynamic, while Brenna’s feels an obligation to take care of and open her life to this wanderer.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Alex Bliss ("Journal")

“It wasn't clear if I was striking the right tone. There's a moment in the film, which always makes me laugh, where some erotic drawings are revealed (spoiler alert). Initially, I wasn't sure if it was cringe and/or would take away from the rest of the film. I went back and forth on whether to do it, asking friends. My friends liked the idea so we shot it and I'm glad it's in there.”

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5 Questions with Joyce Keokham ("WYA WYD")

“I grew up without cable tv and was always hanging out at my friends homes. It was at their houses where I’d catch episodes of That’s So Raven and TRL, and finally understand what everyone else at school was talking about. Without that immediate entertainment source at home, I made my own fun by going on less conventional adventures and through that, creating stories for myself.”

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5 Questions with Victoria Rivera ("Night Swim")

“I wanted to explore a moment in life when our moral compass isn’t totally formed, and we’re trying to navigate group dynamics, without having a real grasp on who we are as individuals. Neda Jebelli, who co-wrote the script with me, spoke about her experiences growing up between Tehran and Missouri -a stark contrast to my upbringing in Bogota, Colombia.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Taylor Ervin ("Shark Muscle")

“The biggest challenge was trying to figure out how to take a musical work, which is purely auditory, and distill it into something visual. Do you take a literal interpretation of the lyrics and craft a story from those? Do you go abstract? Do you just try to tap into a certain mood? I think ultimately what became most important for me was texture.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Corey Hughes ("MyToeShoes.Com")

“I’ve always been attracted to failed technologies. It is interesting what things catch on and what things don’t. People thought the segway was going to revolutionize transportation and everyone in the future would just be on segways all the time. I think the toe shoes were similar, a technology that was supposed to change how shoes were made but ended up becoming obsolete and weird.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley