Posts in 5 Questions
5 Questions with Piano Whitman

“After high school, I began taking video seriously. I started obsessing over cine cameras and their technology. I couldn’t think about anything other than color, how cameras work, why a shot looks good, etc. Now I’m just constantly creating more projects and learning as I go.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Dale Nicholls

“I somehow talked my dad and stepmom into taking my younger brother and I to see Pulp Fiction. Our jaws dropped for different reasons. I was transfixed. Something sparked. They were mortified and probably expected child services to arrest them right there.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Matt Porter — NIGHTY NIGHT

“I also just loved the strange aesthetic of those little cheap-looking hotel rooms that they set up for the sleep studies, often hidden somewhere on a sad hospital floor or in a bland office building. Once I began writing, I also started to realize it was a film about loneliness, existential fear, and human connection.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Annie Brennen

“While living together, we developed a bit of constantly and aggressively singing our own praises, while lamenting over how, in our first year of post-grad life, we weren’t yet famous. I wanted to make an absurd series about two weirdos who had incredibly inflated senses of self with no visible drive and no visible skills.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Gurleen Rai & F. Anthony Shepherd

“The thing I’m always resisting with animation is how planned it is and how polished and overworked it can start to look, I like to leave room for intuitive or last minute changes. I think that’s what I enjoy most about working on Get Up, Pierrot, it’s imperfect, dirty even. I don’t bother tracing previous frames, if I make a mistake it still ends up in the final, it’s not precious.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Julian Turner

“I grew up in Tennessee and spent most of my time outside as a kid. In middle school, one of my buddies got a camcorder for Christmas and we just starting filming weird scenes in the woods and putting them on YouTube. You can maybe still find some of them. Ever since, it's been an obsession for sure.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Diogo Baldaia

“We had to put the kids in the zone—I’d have rehearsals, but not of the scene, just of them all being together. They weren’t an actual class, so we had to build a dynamic between them so they felt like a class. The kids contributed a lot of their own ideas, they really added to the film.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with David Drake

“When the neighbours downstairs were having sex the whole house would echo and rattle. We didn't even know their last names, but we knew every intimate detail of what they got up to. It was ridiculous. Anyway, that place was in the back of my mind when I started writing Party Wall a few years later in 2017.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Charles Williams

“There were a lot of challenges, particularly because we had no money and everyone was donating their time and services. I had a great cast, but most of whom were untrained child actors, which meant short shooting days. Then of course bugs, driving scenes, shooting on film, animals.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Courtney Hope Thérond

“I worked as a first assistant director (which is my current "day job") on a feature film where the sex scene was handled uncomfortably by the director. It wasn't the same situation as what's seen in Rehearsal but it was similar in that it fell in that grey area of consent where it was hard to point at the specific incident that made the experience uneasy.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Mike B. Breen

“I didn't really know what would happen once James's character got into the house. Eventually the story became about the stilted way adult men make friends and react to each other's emotions. These guys are really trying to connect but they're totally ill-equipped to do so.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley
5 Questions with Ryan McGlade

“I grew up in Pittsburgh, and I think that the two movies central to my early life there were the 1973 animated version of Charlotte's Web with Debbie Reynolds, and Space Jam. When I was five or six, I loved Space Jam so much that I washed my VHS copy with soap and water and inadvertently destroyed it.”

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5 QuestionsKentucker Audley