The perfectly ludicrous “Rebound,” written by Wes Haney, is the tale of a burly stranger who mysteriously arrives at the door of a newly single mom looking to rent out her guest. We asked Haney how the project began, working with his two leads, and what’s next for him…
Read More“One Shot,” by director Jane Inyang, is a stylish satire on social media and influencer culture, shown through an artist preparing for a performance. We asked Inyang what sparked the idea, the biggest challenge of the project, and a recent favorite film…
Read MoreThe Friday night of Katelyn and Halie turns creepy with the arrival of a Papa John’s delivery guy in “Me & My Friend Just Want Our Pizza,” a low-key stoner comedy by directors Fernando Andrés & Tyler Rugh. We asked them how the project started and developed, and what was the most difficult part of the process…
Read MoreThe absurd comedy “Cat Stickers,” directed by Joe Bonacci, is about the annoyed tenants of an apartment building who keep finding cat decals everywhere. We asked Bonnaci how it started and about the improvisational process of his cast…
Read MoreA psychedelic journey told from the perspective of a dog, “Dog in the Woods,” by directors Christian Chapman and Paul Jason Hoffman, is a visual feast of unknown worlds and unseen realms. We asked Chapman and Hoffman how it began, how they incorporated extensive VFX, and their favorite recent films…
Read More“Metta World Teeth,” by the directing team LAMAR+NIK, is a hilarious re-imagining of a strange interview answer given by the former NBA basketball player, Metta World Peace. We asked the duo about their backgrounds, how this project came to be, and what’s next for them…
Read MoreWith “The Noodle Effect,” director Brandon Winters, offers a quiet reflection on the private, everyday moments of ordinary people, doing so with a vivid photographic sense. We asked Winters about the origins of the project, the connections between the vignettes, and what’s next for him…
Read MoreThe supernatural slow-burn mystery film, “The Undiscovered Country,” is a gripping portrait of grief and an impressive first feature from director Tim O’Connor. We asked O’Connor about his stylistic influences, the initial inspiration for the film and the development its central enigma…
Read MoreA woman and her 13 year old daughter live in current surveillance and guidance of a prophet in the new short, “Period.,” by Kira Bursky. We asked Bursky how the project began, how she achieved her surreal visuals, and to clarify a couple plot points…
Read More“Nest Egg,” by director Henry Loevner, tells the story of a young California woman considering becoming a surrogate to a Chinese couple, to the dismay and discomfort of her husband. We asked Loevner about the origins of the project, creating comedy from a serious topic, and language barriers…
Read MoreA poetic exploration of a young relationship in Poland in the month of November, “Color of November” is a lovely and quiet observant portrait of youth and place. We asked director Tanmay Chowdhary how it got started, his approach to getting evocative visuals, and a recent film that resonated with him…
Read More“Atomic Football,” by Jack Paradise is a hard-to-classify oddity about a group of community college students protesting a community plant being built in their town. We asked Paradise how the project launched, what his planning process was like, and a film that recently blew him away…
Read More“Here Goes Nothing,” a self portrait video diary by Marcelle O’Brien, is a fascinating mix of moods and personality, concerning the difficult subjects of depression and abuse. We asked O’Brien how it came together, balancing emotional vulnerability with humor, and what comes next for her…
Read More“Better Days,” by director/actor Matthew Leone, is a gritty Super 16mm tale of a down and out Italian-American man in New York struggling to stay afloat. We asked Leone how the project started, his creative process, and a recent film that really blew him away…
Read More“Bailey Swan” is an impressionistic profile of a young woman’s 8,500 mile motorcycle journey across the country. We asked director Madeline Leshner how the project came together, how she prepared to film, and a recent film that resonated with her…
Read MoreA gothic fairy tale that never leaves the house, “Hole” shows us a couple days in the life of a TV shopping addicted woman and the strange sounds she starts to hear. We asked director Aleksandra Hansen about her inspiration for the project, her creative process, and the latest film that blew her away…
Read MoreWith “Sandy,” his personal video essay on family history, climate change, Hollywood films, and not learning from past mistakes, Dylan Hansen-Fliedner offers a wide-ranging contemplation of his views and frustrations with America’s history and present. We asked him how he became interesting in filmmaking, how this project evolved, and its collage-like mix of elements…
Read MoreLast summer, when the Baltimore-based filmmaker Roger Hayn first reached out to me about releasing his debut feature, Congratulations Debby, I was stunned to learn that almost no one else had seen it yet. Hayn, whose excellent hybrid short Introducing Bobby screened at many prestigious festivals…
Read More“In Color,” by director José Andrés Cardona, throws together a fleeing woman in danger and a baby-faced barber’s apprentice at a 24 hour barber shop for a night of unexpected connections. We asked Cardona how the project began, its barber shop setting, and the unique mix of tones…
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