5 Questions with Matthew Brennan ("Summer Vacation")


1) Can you talk briefly about your background, and how you first got interested in filmmaking?

Growing up, I always loved watching movies and immersing myself into stories. I feel that's a bit cliche but for me, it's what hooked me. My parents showed me some quintessential Hollywood movies like Star Wars, and the Indiana Jones movies, which made me quickly fall in love with the art form. That eventually evolved into me picking up my parents digital camera and making some really dumb stuff with my friends. While movies and storytelling certainly sparked my interest, I definitely always had a fascination with cameras and the technology behind them as well. So being able to combine my passion for the technology along with being able to tell a (hopefully) emotionally resonant story was something that captivated me early on in my life.

2) What was the initial idea for this project and how did it evolve from there?

It probably started with dating apps and how they relate to intimacy. I find these apps fascinating and the potential effects they have on one finding a romantic relationship. I didn't want to make a film bashing dating apps because I don't feel that way towards them. I wanted to make a coming-of-age story revolving around intimacy and sexuality and see how a dating app could fit within that framework. After the script was written, I don't remember much changing except I cut a lot of stuff for pacing reasons and to try and make the story as concise as possible. From there, I took notes from an incredible writing group I'm a part of as well as from Rachel Bass, our amazing Producer (and very good friend), and John Grenham, our amazing Editor (and also very good friend). The actors all came in with great ideas, and they really helped to solidify the story into what it is now.

3) What was the biggest challenge in making this film? And the easiest part?

I think the overall challenge to this short was filming in the heat. We shot the film during a heat wave and even inside, we had to turn off the AC to not interfere with the sound. So the bedroom scenes were sweltering. But even then, so much about this film was a monumental challenge. We didn't have a huge budget so working with those constraints while still trying to secure a cast, crew, and locations was incredibly difficult. The easiest part was definitely working with the cast and crew. Everyone was so lovely, and I cannot thank them enough for all the hard work and effort they put into this film.

4) What’s a film you’ve seen recently, new or old, that you really loved and why?

I just watched Michael Mann's Collateral for the first time last weekend and really loved that. He's such a precise director and paces his films so well. The character work is also really strong. His films just suck you right in. I also have to give a shout-out to one of our actors, Peyton Michelle Edwards, who has a leading role in a new indie film called Weekenders. I highly recommend checking it out, especially if you liked Peyton in this short!

5) What’s next for you?

Currently, Rachel and I are in the middle of pre-production on several shorts that we're hoping to shoot over the summer. The first one we're prepping for is a dark/absurdist comedy that we will hopefully be shooting in about mid-June. We're hoping to just make as much as we can over the next few months, which greatly excites both of us! If you want to connect, or learn more about the projects, you can follow me at @matthewbrennanphotography on Instagram!
