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5 Questions with Stefanie Abel Horowitz

The peculiar, literary character study, “sometimes, I think about dying,” follows Fran through a muted flirtation with a co-worker, while she tries to hide her suicidal thoughts. We asked director Stefanie Abel Horowitz how the project started, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next for her…

1) Can you talk briefly about your background, and how you first got interested in filmmaking?

My background is actually in theater. I was a freelance director and co-creator of an experimental theater company in New York for a long time. I only recently turned my sights to filmmaking. I've always watched movies and loved movies but I made the change in large part because making experimental theater in New York is a sure-fire way to be broke. Also, aesthetically speaking I was interested in the kind of intimacy that film can create. We don't have close ups in theater!

2) What’s the backstory here - what was the initial idea and how did it evolve from there?
The initial story and script was a stage play. Our friend and super talented writer Kevin Armento wrote it, and we made it back in 2013. We loved the story and the character and it made a lot of sense to bring it back as a short once we were all interested in making movies!

3) What was the biggest challenge in making this film? And generally what part of the creative process do you enjoy the best, and the least?

The car scene was the biggest challenge for me. I hate shooting in cars even though I love driving in them. That truck had an insanely loud engine making sound really difficult. Jim, who plays Robert and is driving the car in that scene, didn't have a drivers license. And the DP, the sound guy and I were all laying flat in the bed of the truck for the whole shoot. It felt impossible and frustrating and it was the only day on set I got stern with people. But, generally, being in production is my favorite part of the process. I love group problem solving and big team collaboration. It's a very fun and alive part of the process. And honestly, I find post a bit tedious! It goes on and on for so long.

4) What’s a film you’ve seen recently, new or old, that you really loved and why?

This is a silly answer, and I'm sure I've seen something else lately that I've loved, but I was recently watching a bunch of old horror. I don't really have an education in film so I've been spending some time catching up. I saw The Shining and Evil Dead in the same week. I loved them both. Horror uses a lot of fun tricks to keep you scared and to build anticipation. Plus, The Shining is gorgeously shot and Evil Dead is pretty funny.

5) What’s next for you?
The feature version of the short! We finished the script and fingers crossed we get some money to make it!

Instagram: @stefanieabelhorowitz