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5 Questions with Dekunle

1) Can you talk briefly about your background, and how you first got interested in filmmaking?

I always liked writing. I became interested in filmmaking after reading Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs in college. I thought, "Here's a fun platform for my writing."

2) What’s the backstory here - what was the initial idea and how did it evolve from there?

At school I was always cool with the custodial staff. I became interested in how janitors and students share a space but are from very different socio-economic status'.  I wanted to write a conversation that two janitors  might have while working. 

3) What part of the creative process do you enjoy the most? 

My favorite part of the filmmaking process is working with actors. I love when they take the ideas on the page and take it in a fresh direction I never thought about.

4) What’s a film you’ve seen recently, new or old, that you really loved and why?

The Search for One-Eyed Jimmy. Its an indie film from the early 90s starring unknown actors that would go on to be legends. Samuel L. Jackson, Jon Turturro, Sam Rockwell, Holt McCallany and a few others are in the film. It takes place in Brooklyn. Im surprised more people don't talk about it. I felt like it really captured the birth of indie filmmaking in New York.  Great story. Great writing. Great acting. Very funny.  

5) What’s next for you? 

I'm currently working on a half-hour tv show about friends navigating life in Brooklyn. Hopefully coming to a streaming platform soon.

IG: @mr.dekunle