5 Questions with Adinah Dancyger ("Moving")


1) What have you been up to creatively since we last spoke in April of last year for "There is a River”?

I think I was wrapping up Moving in between then and now? Time has gotten strange. Did a few music videos (Ariel East, John Errol), have been on a string of short films in the doc style and mainly writing a feature script.

2) What was the initial idea for this project and how did it evolve from there?

It was based on of those days you’d look back on and remember as one of the worst days of your life. I was in Upstate New York moving my life out of college and into an apartment for the summer. Having moved alone a dozen times and lived in too many temporary situations, I had this itch to figure out a way incorporate this nomadic period of time into a story. Over time I found the humor and absurdity of that day (it took a while) and thought it could be a premise that tapped into a wide array of emotions. At first I imagined the film to be Sisyphean and leave it on the staircase, but a catharsis felt in order.

3) What was the biggest challenge in making this film? And the easiest part?

A one-day shoot on a cold winter day in NYC was the main challenge. It’s always nice to have at least a second day with a cast crew work flow. The easiest part was surprisingly writing the script. It was one of the more seamless experiences which it is usually not. I also wrote it to convenience as it was a teeny tiny production.

4) What’s a film you’ve seen recently, new or old, that you really loved and why?

I rewatched Safe by Todd Haynes recently, I love a good movie about feeling out of place and group thinking. On the note of environmental illness, I recently watched Wall-E for the first time and love that movie most for it’s lack of dialogue, found that super inspiring. Pixar really gets to me.

5) What’s next for you?

Possibly moving again (so perhaps a sequel is on the rise), learning how to fish, and writing for the long haul!

www.adinahdancyger.com | IG: @adinahdancyger