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5 Questions with Travis Wood

As an eight year old kid, director Travis Wood, had two bikes stolen in the course of a month. In “One Peg Boss,” he narrates the tale over a charmingly simple animation, ruminating on his memories and coming to terms with the incidents. We asked Wood about the animation style, his general work process, and what’s next for him…

1) All true? 


2) If so, what inspired you to revisit this story of your past?

I had honestly forgotten about the story until my mom was talking to me about our old house getting tagged, which reminded me about my bikes getting stolen. After thinking about it, I felt like there was a good moral in there and I started by trying to write it into a short narrative script.

3) I love the simple, cut-out animation style. How did you become interested in this technique?

This was my first animation, so the simple style was me learning how to animate, and it didn't rely on drawing abilities so it was a good entry point.

4) You’ve been quite prolific over the last couple years. Are you always working on something? What’s your working process like, say, if you’re working on an animated film? Do you have a regular working schedule, or is it just whenever you can? 

Thank you! Filmmaking and skateboarding pretty much occupy all my time, so I try to always have a project or two in the works. It varies but I try to do at least a couple hours everyday. If I'm off work I could spend the whole day working at an animation. I do freelance film gigs so my schedule is flexible but I try to get by with the least amount of work days I can so I have the time for personal projects.

5) Any new projects you have cooking at the moment?

I'm working on a puppet animation project called “F*cking Rich,” similar to “Kayla in 1A” style for The Eyeslicer, Season 2! 

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IG: @elshatrab.