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5 More Questions with Joe Bonacci

The essential? follow-up to “Cat Stickers,” “Cat Stickers 2” doubles down with more cat stickers and more neighbor outrage. We asked director Joe Bonacci why he did it, what the biggest challenge was, and what comes next…

1) Have to admit, this is a bold move to double down on Cat Stickers 1 - how did it come to be?

Thank you, I spoke with Tabitha after we shot the first one and mentioned that my character would probably sue her character for harassment and she said that was insane. It was then the story for episode 2 was born.  I love an upward spiral of downward momentum.

2) What was the biggest challenge here? And generally what part of the creative process do you enjoy the most, and the least? 

The biggest challenge here was filling that large apartment with an ample amount of cat stickers.  When we shot it I thought we had a lot up, but in editing I realized we could have put up triple the amount.  I think him (not me) being a lunatic got across, but I don't know...more cat sticker could have hammered it in more. 

I'll always love improvising with others best and hunting for quiet locations least.  In an ideal world I have a scout for that. 

3) What’s a film you’ve seen recently, new or old, that you really loved and why?

I loved Parasite. The performances were really convincing and the editing and soundtrack were incredible. 

4) What’s next for you?

I'm writing a new unscripted comedy series about the world's first gay religion. I'm rather excited to begin writing the holy scripture that will be a point of reference through out it.   

5) Do you set New Years Resolutions? Any of note this year that you'd care to go public with? 

Yes! I need a website to have all of my work in one spot. 


Instagram: @joe_bonacci