NoBudge is a streaming platform for young & emerging filmmakers.

Focused on low-budget cinema, DIY visions, alternative comedy, film festival shorts, youth culture, student films, and more, we curate a wide range of narrative, experimental, animation, documentary, sketch, web series and dance/music videos. Our mission is to spotlight indie filmmakers and creators working with limited resources and without major industry connections, and to be a trusted discovery platform. We also host live screenings in Brooklyn with filmmaker Q&A's and afterparties. NoBudge was founded by the filmmaker, Kentucker Audley.

"One of the best places to sample what’s happening in low-budget cinema worldwide." -Glenn Kenny, The New York Times.

"NoBudge celebrates the creative freedom often only found in work made free from commercial considerations. It’s a place to discover fun, stimulating short works from artists you didn’t previously know." -Mark Asch, Vulture

"One of the most singular streaming outlets on the block." -Guy Lodge, The Guardian.

Download our apps on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, iOS or Android.

Featured by:

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"Like a great film festival shorts section beamed into your home, NoBudge is one of the internet’s top showcases for independent work. The scope of its programming spans and defies genres; it’s a place where the concept of film-as-art always feels honored." -Eric Allen Hatch, Endcrawl.

"One of the premier destinations for true independent movies" -No Film School.

“There’s no better place online for shorts than” -VENTS Magazine.

"A must-bookmark location for fans of grassroots, unimpeded, honest films from a variety of voices."  -Film School Rejects.

"The American independent cinema is flourishing as never before, and its achievements are, both in the realm of individual works and as a sort of loosely but unmistakably collective set of endeavors, among the glories of world cinema. But it’s hard to get to see many of the films in question, not least because the same technological and economic changes that make the films possible have also made theatrical and even home-video distribution tough to land—and some filmmakers are doing something about it. One of them is Kentucker Audley, who, two years ago, made his film “Open Five” available at his own Web site, and has since launched another site, NoBudge, which offers works by many independent filmmakers and showcases them in unusual and original ways.” -The New Yorker

"With the hurdles of theatrical distribution increasing all the time, NoBudge stands as a valuable alternative — a way for ambitious, cash-strapped directors to have their work seen and written about without having to worry over the financial and logistical headaches." -Village Voice

“Audley’s fierce devotion to truly independent American cinema is vital. His commitment to treating the micro-budget form with the utmost seriousness is needed now more than ever.” - Paste Magazine

“Connoting both minimal means and an essential stubbornness: No Budge.” -The Wall St. Journal