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5 Questions with Morgan Krantz ("Squeegee")

1) Can you talk briefly about your background, and how you first got interested in filmmaking?

My mom is an actress and I remember once she was depressed about not getting a part. I was six years old and vowed to become a filmmaker so I could put her in movies which would win her an Oscar. I really wanted her to win.

2) What was the initial idea for this project and how did it evolve from there?

This was not an idea which was dreamed up in solitude. It was a reaction to meeting Blair McKenzie on the street. We were waiting in line for a restaurant and we struck up a sidewalk conversation. I was tickled by his profession — the high-rise window-washer. It sounded so romantic and dangerous but also, hilarious. Because you’re out there risking your life for the sake of some stiff's office window. I became interested in the image of two people connecting through glass — the emotional safety of it, the mortal danger of it.

3) What was the biggest challenge in making this film? And the easiest part?

The biggest challenge was finding the tone. The first drafts of the script were corny as hell. The big breakthrough came once I found the right musical pieces, and from there our rehearsals started to take off. The easiest part was working with Blair. Like I said, he is a window washer by trade and had zero acting experience. Obviously, I was worried about how he might perform but it turned out that because he had no wonky training in his head, he was completely authentic, subtle, and easy to direct. He came with no bullshit and offered his whole self without any tricks.

4) What’s a film you’ve seen recently, new or old, that you really loved and why?

Just watched Tampopo. It really shows you what movies can get away with. Food, sex, a little violence. These are just things that work in movies. Why fight it? It was a nice reminder to keep things simple and sensual.

5) What’s next for you?

I have a feature screenplay which I’m out peddling and intend to shoot next Spring. There is no sex or violence but there is some food.

IG -- @morgankrantz
Twitter -- @morganizzm